Welcome!  •  January 24, 2025  •  11:18 PM EST
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Buy: Overview

January 24, 2025 - 11:18 PM EST

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(919) 362-0037

Buy: Overview

Every buyer has specific needs, objectives, and requirements. Succeding in your next purchase is like solving a puzzle. You have to master the criteria, metrics, and selection process to create an optimal solution.

Want to live closer to work, have more bedrooms, and reduce your monthly payment? Want to stop paying your landlord's mortgage and build equity in your own home, for less than you're currently paying in rent each month? We can show you how.

Want a second or a vacation home without needing a second job? Want extra income, up to $25,000 a year of tax deductions, and extra retirement assurance? We can show you how.

Dynamic Buying™

  1. Hire an Agent – The right agent for you has the right smarts, game plan, and personality to be your trusted advisor.
  2. Arrange Financing – Pre–approved buyers are power buyers. Know how much house you can afford and how to shop for the best loan.
  3. Get Smart – Educated buyers get the best homes and deals.
  4. Do Your Search – You know what want, let's go find it!
  5. Make an Offer – Your offer details can make or break your whole buying project.
  6. Execute the Contract – Can't slack off now, it isn't done 'till it's closed.
  7. Close the Deal – A final walkthrough, a HUD-1 to review, many documents to sign, and it's yours!

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